Saturday, January 12, 2013

My experience while creating blogger

I created this blog because my Instructor Ms. Donna assigned is as our task for the requirement of the "Webskills" course purpose. For the very first time I was very confused on how and why to create personal blog because each of us has separate nicenet account and from that we can post our assignments and we can do other required things too. But as it is assigned as a task so I did it to complete my task by following the instruction. After creating my blog I again encountered another problem and that was what to do inside it and how? I tried to make myself familiar with each and every elements that included inside it and for this I took help from my sister too because she has her own blog. She helped me a lot. Now I knew why my instructure said to create own blog, this is really very nice way to share our ideas with mass. Thank you Ms. Donna for such a great idea.   


  1. Hello Lila,

    I'm so glad that you asked for and received help from your sister. You're right--your blog is your personal place to share your thoughts and feelings about our Webskills course with everyone.

    One thing . . . Nicenet is shared with everyone in the course. You don't have your own private Nicenet site.

    Keep up the great work! Your blog is wonderful.


  2. Dear Lila

    Lucky we are that we have got Donna as our teacher this time. Believe me mine is also first time experience and it was possible due to her!

