Sunday, February 24, 2013

Reflection 7

When I remember the days before joining the web skill course and these running course period ,it makes me smile. I couldn't imagine about the progress and achievement that i got during this period. It was really  beautiful moment  for me and hope it will be.....

Well , this week I got opportunity to visit many articles and materials about autonomy learner. Searching and observing the various articles i got lots of ideas and information about the autonomy learner and tips/techniques to make the learner autonomy as well. 
I created my own Padlet and also posted articles to our class wall wisher . It was totally  new experience for me, I enjoyed a lot. It is really an interactive tool for teaching learning purpose where teachers well as students can interact, express and share many articles,videos,weblink, audio ,images etc on wall. So I found it as a very interactive  tool which i wish to follow for my class to make them autonomous learner.

This week I found my project partners and I am very eager to work with them at next week project.
waiting for that day........................
                                                                    HAVE A GOOD WEEK.......


1 comment:

  1. Hi Lila,
    I am so busy and came to know that you created your padlet. I going to create now. I found you enjoyed different tips and techniques on learners autonomy.
    Thanks for your effort.
    Gorkha Nepal.
